Tuesday, October 14, 2014


Spring is traditionally a time for coming out of hibernation but I must say I can't remember a more busy time at our place !

An Exhibition at Rawnsley Park for "A Brush With Art "; Sculpture pieces for FIBRESPACE and CURDNATTA installed at The Australian Arid Lands Botanic Garden; Life on the Edge exhibition at Curdnatta; pieces exhibited in FREE RANGE and BLOOMS; a photoshoot for RUOK.  And in the middle of all this a visit from family.

In a parallel universe John was busy organising and rehearsing for the "Back to the Movies" musical evening by the Port Augusta Music Club.

Some benefits from exhibiting in the Flinders Ranges included opportunities to capture more of the beautiful scenery in that area.

The great news is I sold a half a dozen artworks and several books, bags and cushions  and to top it off Curdnatta's sculpture was judged second in the ARID sculptural event.