Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Kaleidoscopic Mind-Boggle

What an exciting start to the day!
The package I have been waiting for arrived and I am delighted with the contents! Some printed silk for scarves and my first batch of printed cotton for an  ART project.

But I had better start at the beginning for people to understand more about this Artistic Adventure.

 The FIBRESPACE textile artists current theme is " Kaleidoscopic Mind-Boggle" ... well where do you start when interpreting  this???

Generally when I work on FIBRESPACE pieces I try to build on a technique that I have used before, creating a little journey for myself. Previously I had experimented with taking photos with my phone and a teleidoscope (a kaleidoscope that show the world around us as pattern and design created with mirrors.) This was great fun and I used it to create some designs that I had printed on fabric for the "Beyond Time" exhibition.

I was reasonably pleased with the results but the edges of the images were a bit blurry so I wondered if there were other ways to achieve more uniform results.

I found an app for my iPad that created a similar result but how could I make these images part of my signature??? flowers, arid plants?? Ahhh  the eureka moment... I thought about the endless supplies of pastel art pieces at my disposal if I used these there would be a common technique, design thread  throughout all the images.

I began experimenting and found that a good quality image would be about 7x6in at 300dpi so I decided to go with the patchwork  look and create designs 36x42in that can be uploaded on to the SPOONFLOWER site where I order the printed fabric.

And this is the result !!!!

I can now choose the piece I need for my FIBRESPACE project and offer the rest for sale in smaller bundles at Curdnatta Art Gallery, perfect for quilters.
They can also be purchased at SPOONFLOWER  http://www.spoonflower.com/profiles/georgiesharp

 I have been experimenting some more with ways to achieve  a larger image at good quality using some Topaz plugins for Photoshop and these can be found at ....... http://www.redbubble.com/people/georgiesharp/collections/349990-kaleidoscope-designs

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